95.3 Gorilla

The latest from Ryan Gavin in the morning, Jessi Paige in the afternoon, 95.3 Gorilla contests, Gorilla Girls Night, and more!

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Tamara in Gulfport Wins $6,120 With Secret Sound #5!


This one took more than three weeks to figure out... and we FINALLY have an answer!

After weeks and weeks of everyone guessing every kind of tape imaginable... we finally figured out what Secret Sound #5 was! It wasn't scotch tape, packing tape, or even duct tape. It wasn't tape, we promise! Here's the moment when Tamara in Gulfport won more than $6100.00 on 95.3 Gorilla!

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 6 MB - Duration: 2:42m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)

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